Creativity Booster
Our first instinct when we hear of great new artists, musicians, performers, or creative thinkers is to assume that these people were born creative.
While the above statement may be partially true, there are actually proven methods that anyone can use to more easily receive, generate, or develop creative ideas.
Nevertheless, since these skills are generally not well known, we tend not to think about how our skills can be applied to our own creative passions.. In fact, we may not even know what those skills ARE! And when we do look for help, a lot of the advice out there is based on pseudoscience, or taken from the court of popular opinion.
That is why so many of us have trouble receiving, capturing, and developing those "shower thoughts" and "bolts-out-of-the-blue" moments into fully formed ideas.
So what are the top innovators doing differently than most?
Lots of things. To give you an idea of what goes into truly innovative ideas, here are a few examples:
- They make time for the creative process. Top innovators aren’t going to leave their creation up to chance. They actually schedule time into their days to be as creative as possible. They have set systems and habits for bringing out those creative moments, and they never waste a single idea.
- Play is an integral part of the creative process. The way we think when we’re “playing around” or ‘getting crazy” are the same ways we think when we’re at our most creative. The top innovators know that in order to get the best ideas out of themselves, they have to let themselves play.
- They don’t stop at one good idea. In real life, and in the creative process, there could be hundreds of “good” answers that could work, and a handful of great ones that could change the world. Top innovators know that in order to get to the BEST ideas, you have to be tenacious enough to get through the rest of the ideas first.
These characteristics can be found in any great creative, from artists toengineers, however it is sometimes challenging to cultivate them in ourselves.
It would be nice if we could just use willpower to become more playful or tenacious? It would; but, focusing on improving these characteristics in ourselves is only the first step..
We will need structure and guidance to develop these qualities to the point where they become almost second nature.
Now you could invest thousands in workshops or spend years attending retreats to gain these skills but there’s an easier way -- somewhere you can find the insights, exercises, and practices to be as creative as you want to be or you can join this micro course.
This course contains a step-by-step process for generating and developing creative ideas, products and services.
You'll learn how to generate and develop creative ideas… how to turn those ideas into tangible items, products, or services… how to create an environment that encourages those bolt-out-of-the-blue moments… and much more
Throughout Creativity Booster, you’ll also discover:
- How to unlock the creativity hidden inside you with three simple core concepts.
- Why everything you learned in school about creativity is wrong… and why that’s actually some of the best news ever.
- Two tried-and-true creativity models for generating all the ideas you could ever want. Use either one, or combine them into something that’s totally unique to your personal process.
- The belief systems and habits that are killing your creativity. (You’re probably doing these every day without even noticing.)
- 3 things you can do RIGHT NOW to put yourself in a creative mode – try these the next time you’re feeling stuck for ideas at work.
- What you can learn about creativity from a kindergartener. You’ll want to grab a box of crayons and a juicebox for this one.
- The habits and routines of highly creative people. You can build these into your schedule every day with almost no extra effort, guaranteed.
- How to turn one good idea into hundreds, so you can leverage your best ideas to do bigger and better things.
- Plus much, much more!
And the best part? This course is actually FUN. In fact, neuroscientists have found that we get a dopamine rush whenever we do something creative. So, not only will you become much more creative by the end of this course, you’ll also have so much fun doing it that you’ll want to keep using your new creativity skills and tools for the rest of your life!
This micro course contains the most recent research and insightful insight from psychiatrists, behavioural scientists, artists, and researchers, presented in an approachable and actionable manner.
You'll get a chance to put your new skills into practice in a real-world setting.Implementing your new ideas will let you see and experience rapid improvements in your own creativity.
Here's what we'll cover:
Lesson Overview:
Lesson 1: The Fundamentals of Creativity—Three Core Concepts
Find out the truth about what makes everyone creative, and learn (or unlearn) the habits that affect your own personal idea generation capabilities.
Lesson 2: The Creative Process
Discover multiple models for creativity, what they all have in common, and what that means for your creativity going forward. Plus you’ll develop your own creative approach, so you know your system will work in your unique life.
Lesson 3: Generating Creative Ideas
Get granular with the specific steps to come up with as many creative ideas as you could ever need. Learn multiple ways to manipulate your raw knowledge into brilliant new concepts.
Lesson 4: Developing Your Creative Ideas
Coming up with a good idea is just the first step. This lesson takes you deeper into the process, showing you how to combine and iterate on ideas until you find the best possible creative solution for the situation.
Lesson 5: Becoming More Creative In Your Life Every Day
We’ll uncover the small habits and routines that you can build into your everyday life to make it easier to generate, capture, and develop the ideas that come to you all the time.

Furthermore, you will strengthen your creative muscles through this courseYou can quickly put what you learn to use with guided activities at the end of each lesson.
You’ll also get a customizable personalized action plan that will show you how to keep your creative juices flowing after you finish the course.