(The) Path to Happiness, Joy & Gratitude

The keys to a happier life are within your grasp no matter what your circumstances are. In fact, a sea of research shows there’s a lot you can do to boost your overall happiness.
You just have to:
- Learn what to do about negative emotions so they don’t dominate your day or your life…
- Know how to create happiness now - no matter what’s going on around you.
With these two core pillars in place, you can transform your emotional life and you can finally feel authentically happy.
As a result, every area of your life improves. When you feel happy, your performance at work improves. Parenting becomes easier when you have more patience and understanding. As a spouse, a friend, and a role model, you improve.
It all starts with exploring the established theories and research on happiness, understanding how your mindset plays a huge role in feeling positive, and learning practical strategies to overcome negative emotions and develop a happiness habit.
Are you ready to do it? If so, this course will learn how to find happiness again.
You’ll learn the science-based strategies to change your mindset, attitude, and develop a happiness habit for yourself.
In Path to Happiness, Joy & Gratitude, you’ll discover:
- A simple test to determine your baseline level of happiness so you can know exactly where you stand and can even measure how much you improve!
- The 3 myths of happiness and how they're making you unhappy...
- The difference between happiness and well-being and why it matters more than you'd think...
- The “WOOP” formula for achieving everything you want (and maintaining a positive attitude)
- How to use “mental contrasting” to live a much happier life…
- The 3 P’s of pessimism, and how to transform any negative situation or experience into a positive one…
- 8 Ready to use gratitudes to boost your happiness almost instantly
- How to turn trauma in your life into positive growth
- 4 strategies for boosting your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth
- And much more…
Path to Happiness, Joy & Gratitudeis a practical, step-by-step system that you can implement quickly -- so you’ll start seeing the real-world results in how happy you feel right away.
Lesson Overiew
Lesson 1: What is happiness anyway?
Learn what the research says about happiness and learn the difference between happiness and wellbeing.
Lesson 2: What’s mindset got to do with it?
Learn howmindset can have a major impact on your overall happiness and well-being and what you can do to shift it.
Lesson 3: Overcome the negative — coping with anxiety, depression, and trauma
Discover how to stay strong when things get rough and positive ways to cope with the negative emotions that show up throughout our lives.
Lesson 4: Increase the positive — building self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence
Learn how to identify if you have self-esteem issues and how to build yourself up with evidence-based strategies that work.
Lesson 5: Uncover the secrets to happiness
Learn how to cultivate ongoing happiness and positivity in your life.

Each lesson contains activities to help you integrate these mindsets and behaviours into your daily life to launch you on the Path to Happiness, Joy & Gratitude.