(The) Power of Powerful Listening

Listening well is often associated with three things:
- Silently listening to others talk
- Using facial expressions or verbal cues like “mmm-hmm”
- Word-for-word repetition of what another person says
Despite their obvious association with good listening, those things are almost irrelevant to it!
However, some of the best listeners contradict that advice...As a result, they reap the rewards.
The ability to listen - and we mean really listen - to someone like your partner, coworker, boss, or child...Is perhaps the greatest opportunity in life…and one often missed.
Learning how to really listen: (1) opens doors for you; (2) transforms your relationships; and, (3) helps you get more of what you want out of your life.
Yet, most of us seldom learn how to listen effectively!
Listening seems fairly straightforward…
However, it's more than simply remaining silent when others speak... or verbatim copying what others say...
The common advice about listening makes sense logically...But it fails to take into account how people can truly communicate on a deep level.
In fact, when you start using true listening skills…It can be a powerful way to increase your own influence and build rapport.
If you use the tactics in this micro course, you will not only help the person you are listening to...you will also help yourself.
Get ready to reset all the rules you've heard about listening, and start taking things to the next level...
What do the best listeners do differently? To illustrate how they differ from traditional listening advice, here are two examples:
- They Pay Attention to Body Language
- Studies have shown that the majority of a person’s communication — between 70% and 93% — is actually expressed through their body language!
- Facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, and speaking volume all fall into this category.
- And as you’ll discover inside this micro course…
- The act of paying attention to body language goes beyond simply observing the other person's behavior... It also means communicating through your own body language that you are fully committed to this conversation.
2. They Aren’t Afraid to “Jump In” And Ask Questions
- We are not talking about interrupting someone... or talking over them...
- In essence, it's about demonstrating that you are understand their feelings or point of view.
- Great listeners don’t remain completely silent all of the time. There’ is a right way and a wrong way to jump into a conversation.
If you think about a time in your life when you felt seen and heard…
It is likely that person was practicing powerful listening skills with you, whether they realized it or not!
And it’s these people that usually end up successful...
In fact, the ability to use powerful listening skills is often the #1 trait of those chosen for leadership roles — both at work and at home.
There’s no easier way to unlock greater success in life...
And now, you can discover all of these hidden strategies in this micro course.
You’ll find out exactly what good listening is (and is not)... how to understand someone’s full communication… how to reach an important agreement… tools for highly-emotional conversations… specific skills for business and negotiation… and more...
In The Power of Powerful Listening, you’ll discover:
- How to change someone’s mind (The to-do’s… and not to-do’s)
- 3 Leadership listening questions you can ask your team to get the most out of them and make them feel heard
- How to make helpful suggestions to the person you’re listening to, while also building their self-esteem
- The 4 core goals of listening in nearly any situation
- What NOT to do with your body language when you want to show someone that you’re really listening to them
- Exactly how often to make eye-contact with the person you’re listening to
- Why being able to pick up on NONVERBAL cues (body language, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, etc) from your conversation partner could be more important than listening to their words
- How to instantly detect how a speaker is feeling so that you can empathize with them (even if you disagree with them)
- Ways to handle conversations with people who are displaying difficult, highly-emotional, or irrational behavior (you’ll find out how to help them calm down and what to do next)
- And much, much more!
With The Power of Powerful Listening at your fingertips... the possibilities for better relationships, greater performance at work, and greater success are endless.
Lesson Overiew
Lesson 1: What Good Listening Is—And Is Not
Find out what highly-skilled listeners do and don’t do (It’s NOT what you’d expect…)
Lesson 2: Listening 101—The Basics
Discover how to become a good listener by using 3 core strategies.
Lesson 3: Understanding Someone’s Full Communication—Taking Your Listening to the Next Level
See how to observe body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and other nonverbal communication to decode what a person is really telling you.
Lesson 4: Listening as the Foundation for Reaching Agreement
Find out how to reach an important agreement(and how to help change someone’s mind if they aren’t seeing things your way).
Lesson 5: Un-Hijacking the Brain: Listening When Emotions are High
Let’s face it: Things can get emotional. Discover how to help someone calm down and provide them comfort and solutions that they will welcome.
Lesson 6: Listening for Leaders—Employing Effective Listening Skills in Business
Discover the tools you need to successfully communicate and lead at work... so that you and your team can rise together.

Learn everything you need to know in a brief period of time by taking this course. Taking this course is the fastest and easiest way to improve your skills.
Also at the conclusion, you'll have a plan that outlines how to move forward to continue building on your momentum.